Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Free Twitter SMS updates for the whole world ( or at least most of it )

Yes folks Twitter is fast becoming the thundering phenomenon these days.Its meteoric rise has spawned its own cult which is swiftly opening the gates of the masses with the likes of Britney Spears and none other than Barrack Obama maintaining accounts.Meanwhile innovative applications like twitpic , tiny url etc. give it the added functionality that far beyond the simplistic status updates that it was originally intended for.
As if that wasn't enough , has started the service of sending free - yes free! SMS updates of your Twitter account to your cellphones.The plan covers around 150 countries .Although the tew2 blog states due to tremendous network traffic there may be lags in sending messages. They would shortly sort it out.

This feature got me excited so i thought i should share it. For people still on the fence , i suggest to start Twitterin' now :)

1 comment:

  1. woaah...beep beep on my phone all the time...I think i will pass... but good share...
