Friday, February 13, 2009

The Ultimate Gimmick after Valentines Day - Raheel

As the clock strike twelve the annual lovefest is upon us . For all the hapless souls caught under cupids spell rejoice. Even if the whole shebang is the biggest marketing gimmick used just another excuse for us to buy useless crap we don't need ( valentine themed cellphones anyone? ) its comforting to know that with all the death and destruction that haunts us all of can still find time for cuddling up on a global scale .

Lets add our usual tinge pessimism to the rather rosy picture . All those awfully sweet chocolate cakes, the mushy Celine Dion love ballads and the cute stuffed toys hide a terrible secret truly known to the ones who go through it. And that is of the heartbreak of love gone awry.Its the rather ugly side of the same coin . My suggestions for those "creative" brand managers scurrying for ideas . If love is to be celebrated ... why not also commemorate breakups as well and while we are at it some international "Patch up day " repackage the same crap with a different message to the same demographic ( 15-30 / virile) and they'll be eating out of your hands. And for the select few who have had it good so far well a happy valentines day . Three words . Keep.It. Real


  1. something to ponder upon.. but i prefer opening a bottle of ballantine to celebrate the love of saint valentine..
